The Office

ECSD Engineering is a structural design company founded in 2007, based on the extensive experience in structural design of its founder, Prof. Franco Mola, former Full Professor of 'Theory and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures' at the Department of Structural Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan.

ECSD S.r.l. Engineering's fundamental objectives are efficiency, quality, rigorous attention to the core concepts of structural design, and excellence in the service provided to both public and private clients. The proven experience in structural engineering, combined with extensive applied research and continuous updates, allows ECSD to position itself as an incubator for new talent and a reference point for clients seeking reliable and efficient structural solutions.

The design team combines dynamism, efficiency, and enthusiasm with a solid knowledge base and a professionalism proven by numerous Italian and international accolades. ECSD S.r.l.'s versatility is the hallmark that distinguishes the company and its ability to successfully tackle ambitious and complex design challenges, with a confident mastery of the most advanced knowledge in structural engineering.

The Team

Franco Mola

Direttore Tecnico

Elena Mola

Legale Rappresentante ed Amministratore Delegato

Antonella Carabellese

Ingegnere Edile spec.Progettazione

Luca Boselli

Ingegnere Senior

Edoardo Copelli

Ingegnere Junior

Juan Garcia Bigliani

Ingegnere Junior

Laura Degliantoni

Ingegnere Junior

Gianfranco Stella

